Understanding your PriceLabs dashboard view

Understanding Your Pricing Dashboard

From your Pricing Dashboard, you can see your imported properties from all the different accounts you've connected to PriceLabs. In addition, you will notice multiple columns and a search field that you can use to quickly find the listing you want to look at -- very useful if you manage dozens of listings!  
Read on to learn about the numbered tags in the picture:

  1. Search: Don't want to scroll through all your listings to find the listing you want to review? Type in what you're looking for in the search box above your dashboard, and we'll find any listings where the listing ID, listing name, account name, channel/PMS, or group name matches. (Watch Video)

  2. Listings: The title says it all! In addition to the listing name, we also show the channel/PMS and account this listing belongs to. Clicking the listing name will take you to the Pricing Dashboard view. And clicking the  button will take you to the listing page or calendar in your PMS or channel manager.

  3. Calendar: This column includes the Review Prices button that takes you to your Pricing Calendar and allows you to set parameters around your pricing. More on that here.

  4. Tags: Examples of tags could be anything you fancy - location ("East London") is a common one, but you can also use it to list the address of the property so they can find it quickly with the search function. If you have set nicknames in some management systems, they will be imported to this field. To manage your tags, check our guide here.
  5. IdeaPro-tip: You can choose complex tags such as "London-Airbnb-221 Baker". Now you can search by location (London will show all London listings), channel/PMS (Airbnb will show all Airbnb listings), or address ("221 Baker" will show all listings at that address).
  6. Sync price: This toggle shows the listing's current sync status. If the switch is ON and green, we will update prices every night. Otherwise, if it's OFF and grayed out, PriceLabs will not change prices on this listing. It also indicates when the listing was last updated and the status of your listing's sync. More on that here.

  7. Customization Group: A helpful feature if you have multiple properties. You can assign each listing to a group so that you can work on a group of properties in one session. You can read more about creating and managing groups here.

  8. Sub Group:  Shows the name of Sub Group to which the listing is assigned. Customizations set up at Sub Group level takes precedence over your Group customizations. More about it from this guide

  9. Min PriceBase Price, and Max PriceBase Price is the average nightly rate of your listing throughout the year. You must set a base price, as this will be one of the critical components for our algorithm to calculate your recommended prices. If you're unsure what Base Price to set, we have recommendations for you (for further details on this, check our guide here). Min Price is the lowest price you can set for a listing, and our recommendations will never go below this value. Max Price is the highest price you can set for a listing; we will never exceed this price. (More details in setting these prices here.)

  10. BR: Displays the number of bedroom the listing has. 

  11. City: The city from which the listing is located. 

  12. Performance Metrics: This helps you stay more informed about how your listings are performing relative to the market easily ,and also helps in making adjustments to your settings. With this, you can easily view, filter, and sort listings across the whole list of useful metrics that you get out of the box. The visibility of these columns can be controlled by clicking on the "Add Metrics" button (14). More details here.

  13. Add Column: Lets you control the visibility of columns and rows on your Pricing Dashboard. It helps keep your dashboard data less cluttered, as you can only view the data you need. This also lets you choose which PMS or Channel to view on your Pricing Dashboard. If you have mapped listings, you are also able to hide your child listings from your dashboard so you don't have to see the same property twice and avoid any confusion. (Watch Video)

  14. Quick Filter: Lets you quickly filter the listings displayed based on your PMS and saved filters.

  15. Listing Filter: Lets you filter the listings displayed based on multiple filter options.

  16. Add Metrics: Lets you add, replace or remove metrics columns from your Pricing Dashboard. More details here. Clicking on this button brings up the following options:
    (Watch Video)

  17. Map Listings: This button lets you link similar listings together, such as listings from multiple channels or multi-units(Watch Video)

  18. Toggle Full Screen: Allows you to view the Pricing Dashboard page on full screen mode.

  19. Table Preferences: This section lets you show or hide child listings from the Pricing Dashboard. It is also where you can download a CSV file of your Pricing Dashboard.
  20. Add/Reconnect Listings: This button lets you connect or reconnect your channels/PMS to PriceLabs. Check the step-by-step guide here(Watch Video)

  21. Create Dummy Listing: This button lets you create a dummy listing.

  22. How to use this page?: This button brings you to a guide on how to use the Pricing Dashboard page.

  23. Listings per page: This will let you change the number of listings you want to see on one display page.

  24. Listings displayed on the page: This will show you the number of listings displayed on the current page out of the total.

  25. Previous Page and Next Page: If the listings you're trying to view are more than the set number of listings on the page (see number 24), you can view the rest of the listings by clicking the Next Page and go back to the Previous Page as well.

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