Having multiple listings can be tedious to manage one by one. Thus, PriceLabs allows managing customizations and creating date-specific overrides on the Account and Group-Level making managing multiple listings at once quick and easy.
Account-Level Customizations
Account-Level customizations provide you the option to apply the same settings to all of your listings under a PMS, Channel Manager, or Booking Channel connected to your PriceLabs account.
Application scenarios:
- Pricing Offsets for mapped listings (ex. you have Airbnb and VRBO listings and since VRBO have more fees than Airbnb, you'd like to apply a markup of 8% to all of your VRBO listings)
- Orphan Prices Premium for all listings under the account (ex. you don't want 1-night orphan gaps to be discounted but rather prefer to set a 20% premium and apply it to all of your listings)
To apply account-level customizations, please follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Dynamic Pricing > Customizations
- Under the Accounts tab, select the account you want to manage
- Click "Edit"
- Set your preferred customizations
Once done, click "Save Changes"

Group-Level Customizations
Aside from Account customizations, you can also create groups to manage multiple listings together. These groups can be anything:
- City Names: If you have listings in multiple cities
- Listing Type: You might want to create separate groups for 1/2/3/4+ bedroom listings
- Neighborhood: If your listings are in different parts of the city, and you want to manage them separately
- Owner/Legal Restrictions: Some of your listings might allow for a short 1 night stay, while others might not be allowed to take bookings shorter than a week
Application scenarios:
- You have a 5 listings and 3 of them have 2BR but they are located in different neighborhoods or buildings and you want to apply the same customizations for the listings so you can create a group customization and apply it to your 2BR listings
- You have 10 listings; 7 listings are your own properties and 3 listings are owned by your sibling who's letting you manage it. You have different preference on the monthly discount. So you can create 2 group customizations with different monthly discounts and apply it to the respective listings.
Sub Group Customizations
Aside from Group Customizations, you can now create Sub Groups and it would take precedence over your Group customizations.

Sub Groups feature needs to be enabled from the backend. Please email us at
support@pricelabs.co to enable it for your account.
Application scenario:
- You have 10 listings; 5 listings are located in Neighborhood A while the other 5 listings are located in Neighborhood B. You first created 2 groups for each neighborhood with corresponding Last Minute Prices customization. In Neighborhood A, you have 3 listings with 2BR, and on Neighborhood B, you have 2 listings with 2BR as well and you'd like them to have the same Minimum Weekend Pricing for the 2BR listings. So you can create another group with your preferred Minimum Weekend Pricing and apply it as a sub group to your 2BR listings.
Creating Group/Sub Group Customizations
- Navigate to Dynamic Pricing > Customizations
- Under the Accounts tab, click "Create Group"
- Select the group you created and click "Edit"
- Set your preferred customizations
Once done, click "Save Changes"
Applying Group Customizations
There are 3 ways you can apply group customizations to listings:
- From the Manage Listings page: (Watch Video)

- From the Review Prices page: (Watch Video)

- From the Multi Calendar page: (Watch Video)
Note: Make sure to enable Groups under the Column Visibility to manage the Group Customizations in the Multi Calendar

Applying Sub Group Customizations
Just like regular Group Customizations, there are 3 ways you can apply Sub Group Customizations to listings. Just note that you would have to set a Group Customization first before you can select the Sub Group Customization:
Assigning a Group Customization to multiple listings
- Navigate to Dynamic Pricing > Manage Listings page
- Tick the checkbox of the listings you want to assign the same group to
- Click "Assign Group" from the toolbar that will appear on the bottom part of the screen
- Select the corresponding group then click "Update Group"

Important Notes:
- When no Group is assigned to a listing, you won't be able to assign a Sub Group
- If you assign the same Group Customization as the Sub Group, the system will automatically change the Sub Group to "Nothing Selected" as a listing cannot have the same Group and Sub Group
- If you assign the same Sub Group as a Group Customization, the system will automatically change the Group Customization to "Nothing Selected" and the Sub gGroup will automatically be disabled
Group and Sub Group Occupancy
The "Group Calendar" allows you to view the collective occupancy of listings under the same group or sub group customization. Hovering on each date will display a tooltip of the occupancy details.
If a group is used both as a group and sub group customizations, the occupancy percentages displayed on the calendar will be from the listings under the Group Customizations. You can hover on each date instead to view the corresponding sub group occupancy.
Account/Group Overrides
When you're making overrides at a group or account level, it's generally better to do those in percentages instead of fixed values since different listings might have different base/min/max rates and you don't want the same fixed amount on each of those. Here's a quick explanation of the options available:
Price Adjustment
- "% change on recommended price" - This option lets your prices stay dynamic by applying adjustments on top the current recommended price (which comes from applying seasonal, day-of-week, lead-time, holiday/event factors, and customizations on the base price). If the base price is 100, and the other factors (seasonal, day of week, etc.) amount to a 30% increase, then the final price would be 130.
- If you now add a 20% override, the price will be 130*1.2 = 156
- "% change on base price (fixed)" - This is the fixed price option at the account or group-level, where if the base price was 100, and you choose 20% change on base price, you're requesting the new price to be 120 (all other factors applied by PriceLabs are ignored). We don't show this option by default since it can be error prone if you have different types of listings in a group/account that don't all need the same price. If you need it for your use case, please send a request to support@pricelabs.co to enable this to your account.
- "Fixed" - This lets you enter a fixed value instead of %. This is also only available for the Group Overrides.
Min Price Adjustment
- "% change on base price" - This option sets the new min price to be relative to the base price for the listing.
- "% change on min price" - This option sets the new min price to be relative to the min price for the listing.
- "Fixed" - This lets you enter a fixed value instead of %. This is also only available for the Group Overrides.
Max Price Adjustment
- "% change on base price" - This option sets the new max price to be relative to the base price for the listing.
- "% change on max price" - This option sets the new max price to be relative to the max price for the listing.
- "Fixed" - This lets you enter a fixed value instead of %. This is also only available for the Group Overrides.
Base Price
Just like minimum and maximum price adjustments, you can also specify a different base price for a certain set of dates. Please note that this feature is only available on request. You can send a request to support@pricelabs.co to enable this to your account.
For more details on overrides, you can read our main guide here. Applying Account or Group-Level Overrides
- Navigate to Dynamic Pricing > Customizations
- Go to your preferred level
- Click "Account Calendar" or "Group Calendar"
- Click "Add" or go through the calendar then click (and drag) the dates you want to apply an override
- Set your preferred override settings
- Once done, click "Add"

Important Notes:
- Please be aware that we follow a hierarchy when applying the customizations. In general, for each customization, listing-level settings override account and group-level settings. We highly encourage you read through the full details here.
- Fixed Price > % change on Base Price overrides supersedes other customizations with fixed price and listing-level fixed minimum and maximum price overrides.
We sincerely hope that these capabilities save you a ton of time! When account or group-level customizations are being used, you will see them on the listing customizations panel as shown here:
Bulk Refresh and Sync
Bulk refresh and Sync make it so much easier to refresh the calendar and immediately sync prices of multiple listings.
Account Level Refresh or Sync
Click on Dynamic Pricing from the top
Select Customizations
- Go to Accounts tab
- Click the 3 dots to the right of the account that you want to refresh or sync.
- Select:
Sync Now - The prices of all listings under the account will be synced to your booking channels or PMS.
- Refresh Listings in account - Changes made to all listings under the account will reflect on all listings' calendar.
Group Level Refresh or Sync
- Click on Dynamic Pricing from the top
- Select Customizations
- Go to Groups tab
- Click the 3 dots to the right of the group that you want to refresh or sync.
- Select:
- Sync Now - The prices of all listings under the group will be synced to your booking channels or PMS.
- Refresh Listings in account - Changes made to all listings under the group will reflect on your calendar.
Customizations Table View
To enhance the efficiency of managing and comparing customizations assigned to different levels, you can use the table view from the
Customizations page.
Adding Notes
You can also add notes on the group and account level by clicking on the highlighted icon below.

You can click on "All Notes" to check the notes added for that particular group/account. You can also set a reminder or pin important notes. Please feel free to check:
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