Understanding the Pricing Calendar
The calendar shows recommended prices for each available night in the future. You might notice that each day has a different price - and this is the magic of dynamic pricing! In general, the prices fluctuate around the base price (either calculated by us, or provided by you) based on the following factors, and you should be able to see those in action:
- Season (time of the year, peak vs. lean season)
- Day of week (weekends vs weekday depending on the location)
- Supply and demand fluctuations due to a holiday or event
- How far out a date is (close in dates get a last minute discount)
Now let's dive in to the numbered tags in the image above:
- Listing Name & Drop-down: Displays the listing and a dropdown that allows you to jump to other listing's pricing calendar.

- Listing Details: This line shows the listing's bedroom count, City, listing link and tags.

- Calendar Tab: This tab brings you to your listing's pricing calendar where you can review your listing's prices, customizations, and more.

- Neighborhood Data Tab: This neat feature allows you to see how other listings in your area are priced compared to yours, and where they are located, you can access it by clicking the tab next to the calendar tab. You can read our full guide on your listing's Neighborhood Data tab here. Please note that this can take up to a day to appear after you first review prices for a listing.

- Hotel Data: Allows you to view Listing Hotel Data that provides you with valuable insights into the pricing strategies of nearby hotels.

- Minimum, Base, and Maximum Prices: When you first import your listing you'll be able to see the base price calculated by us. Think of the base price as the average nightly rate for the year - we'll then fluctuate your rates around this base price based on season, day-of-week, events/holidays, and how far out a date is. You can change the base price to bring the recommended prices up or down (since our price recommendations fluctuate around the base price). We recommend users to periodically monitor their performance metrics and update base price if needed. You can also set a lowest and highest price that we wouldn't go beyond in our recommendations. For more details in setting this up, you can check our guide here. (Watch Video)

- Base Price Help: Our recommendation tool that helps you determine the most appropriate base price for your listing base on your own listing's performance and in contrast with the performance of the market. Read more about this here. (Watch Video)

- Save & Refresh: Once you enter new lowest/base/highest prices, you can hit the "Save & Refresh" button to allow your changes to reflect in your calendar. It also indicates the last time your listing refresh . (Watch Video)

- Applied Customizations: Customizations allow you to select the extent of last minute discounting (to get last minute bookings at a discount instead of nights going un-booked) and orphan day discounts (to get bookings on short gaps between two bookings that are harder to fill), and setup rules to dynamically change your min-night settings, along with adjusting your rates automatically based on listing occupancy, seasonality, day of the week.

- Calendar: The title says it all! This is your listings calendar where you will see all of your prices and customizations in action.
- Tooltip: When you hover on the rates on the calendar, you can see a popup with the reasons as to why a price was recommended. In general you'll see a demand factor and a supply estimate (in terms of occupancy rate in other vacation rentals), along with how rates are adjusted for seasonality and listing occupancy, and any minimum or maximum pricing settings. For more info on this, check our guide here.

- Calendar Months: This drop-down allows you to hop on to any month. (Watch Video)

- Calendar Preference: Allows you to toggle between Monthly and Yearly calendar view

Yearly view:

- Calendar Settings: Lets you enable and disable other features from your Pricing Calendar.

- Calendar Info Visibility:
- Minimum Stay Nights: Allows you to enable or disable minstay indicators
- Check-in/Check-out Restrictions: Allows you to enable or disable Check-in/Check-out indicators
- Booking Status: Allows you to enable or disable booking indicators
- Account/Group Date Specific Overrides: Allows you to enable or disable Account/Group Date Specific Override indicators
- Events/Holidays: Allows you to enable or disable events/holidays indicators
- Start Day of the Week:
- Sunday
- Monday
- Saturday
- Friday
- Other Actions
- High Contrast Color Mode: Allows you to use different color scheme for your pricing calendar
- Download Prices: Click this link to download a CSV file of the current rates and min-stays for this listing. You can also check our guide here for more details.
- Listing Metrics: This helps you stay more informed about how your listings are performing relative to the market easily, and also helps in making adjustments to your settings. This section displays your initial three selections from "Add Metrics" button on the Pricing Dashboard. (Watch Video)

- Notes: A handy feature to let you add notes for your listings. You can add multiple notes to your listing by clicking the "Add" button and set a reminder or pin the note. You can also view a list of all your notes by clicking "eye" icon. For more information, please see: Notes

- Date Overrides: Know something that we don't? You can click and drag over dates or click the "plus" button to override our recommended prices and/or min-night restrictions with your own values. From then on we will use this value instead of our recommended prices for those dates. To see a list of all overrides being applied to this listing, including those from the group or account level, click the "eye" icon. You can read our full article on setting overrides here. (Watch Video)

Events/Holidays: This cool feature now allows you to see Events, Holidays, and High-demand Dates in your hyperlocal market along with the Average Price set for each date. You can also report any event missing from the list! (Watch Video)

- This feature is currently only available upon request to support@pricelabs.co
- Reported events will undergo a review before getting added to the list
- Base Price History: Click here to see a table of the changes to your minimum, base, and maximum rates over the time your listing has been on PriceLabs. (Watch Video)

- Group Customizations: A useful feature if you have multiple properties. You can assign each listing to a group so that you can work on a group of properties in one session. You can read more about creating and managing groups here.

- Sync Toggle: This allows you to toggle sync ON or OFF.

- Sync Now: Once you have reviewed your prices are satisfied with the price recommendations and you want the prices to update right away, hit the red "Sync Now" button and allow up to 15 minutes for the prices to update on your listing. (Watch Video)

- Navigation Arrows: These arrows allows you to navigate to the next or previous listings.

- Help Link: This button brings you to this help article that will guide you through each feature and button on the review prices page.

Calendar Indicators: These indicators help you better understand the data displayed on your calendar.
(Watch Video)

- Market Demand - color coding to show the levels of market demand
Light green - low demand
Green - normal demand
Light blue - good demand
Dark blue - high demand
- Unavailable - greyed out dates shows the unavailable dates
Min-stay - represents the required length of stay to book a date- Booking Info:
Guest Check In - dates that have bookings and also a check-in day
Booked - dates that have bookings
Booking Info indicators are currently only available with the following integrations - 365Villas, Avantio, Beds24, BookingSync, Brightside, Direct, Elina PMS, Eviivo, FantasticStay, Guesty, Hospitable, Hostfully, Hostify, Hostaway, iGMS, Kigo, Lodgix, Lodgify, KrossBooking, LMPM, MyVR, Octorate, OwnerRez, Rentals United, Rentlio, ResHarmonics, Smoobu, Stays, Streamline, SuperControl, Track, Uplisting, VRBO, VReasy
Account/Group Level Override - dates with an Account/Group Level Override
Check-in/Check-out Restricted - dates that cannot be chosen as check-in or check-out days
Unbookable - dates that are not bookable due to min stay or check-in/out restrictions set on PriceLabs
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