List of all PriceLabs Customizations

List of all PriceLabs Customizations

The following are the list of available customizations in PriceLabs and the links to their respective Knowledge Base article and Video Tutorial. 

Stay Restrictions

Customization & KB link
The minimum stay that's applied to any dates that do not have any of the special rules.  
Override your other minimum stay settings when there is a gap on your calendar to ensure all available nights are bookable. 
Specify a different minimum stay for bookings within a certain number of days from today. 
Specify a different minimum stay for bookings made far in advance. 
Specify a different minimum stay for dates before existing unavailable nights. 
Specify a different minimum stay for dates after existing unavailable nights. 

Lets you control on which days of the week guests are able to check-in or check-out. 

Pricing Customizations


Customization & KB link
Specify a custom last minute discount/premium
Specify a custom discount/premium to apply for orphan days
Specify percentage-based day of week adjustments to apply on top of our day of week factors
Lets you set price adjustments based on the occupancy rate of your of listing within specific time windows
Create a discount for weekly stays
Create a discount for monthly stays
Adjust your rates based on specific lengths of stay
Lets you charge a fixed or a percent based amount for every extra person

Seasonal & Minimum Prices

Customization & KB link
Define your own seasons to apply dynamic changes to your min, base, and max rates.
Use this to adjust the magnitude of price fluctuations due to your seasonality (low, high, shoulder etc.)
Specify minimum price for weekend days
Specify minimum price for weekdays and weekends outside of a specific booking window

Advanced Customizations

Customization & KB Link
Change the default weekend days that our algorithms will utilize for various customizations.
Adjust how much prices can fluctuate from one day to another based on demand patterns
Specify a custom far out discount/premium
Select the source of data used to generate your pricing recommendations
Set a "Fixed" or "Percent" price change on the final recommended price 
Adjust the price for the selected number of days before and after a booking
Adjust prices to round to nearest options such as 0 or 5
Set identical prices for specific periods, such as all the nights in a week stay.

Bulk Customizations

Customization & KB Link

Lets you set price adjustments based on the total occupancy rate of your group of listings within specific time windows

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