Extra Person Fee

Extra Person Fee

In PriceLabs, one of the automation goals is to simplify and speed up the process of your pricing and revenue management tasks. One way to do this is by setting up rules like Extra Person Fee.

What is an "Extra Person Fee"?

In the hotel and rental business, there is a base number of guests; if the number of guests exceeds the set limit, the property manager/owner charges an extra fee for each person over the limit.

There are two options available in PriceLabs to set up "Extra Person Fee":
  1. "Fixed" means charging a specific fixed amount for every extra person.
    Example: 70 USD after 3 Guests

  2. "Percent" means that for every extra person, you'll be charging a percentage (%) based on the recommended rate
    Example: You set 10% after 8 guests - If the nightly rate recommendation for tonight is $217, then your OTA will apply a $22 (rounding off from $21.70) extra person fee after every 8 guests. Assuming your total guest is 10 people, then they will be charged an extra $44 ($22 x 2 extra people)

    Note: The extra person fee in % will be calculated for the check-in day only since we don't send different extra person fees for each day.  If this does not apply to you, you may need to choose a flat pricing option.

Extra Person Fee availability

While we want this feature to be supported by all our PMS and OTA, currently, we only have them for the below list:

Supported PMS/Channels
Eviivo *
Hosthub (Syncbnb)
Interaction Booking Manager
Italianway (Kalisi)
Lodgify ***
Rentals United 

* For Eviivo - Please check your rate type first:
  1. If the rate type is per Room or per AdultChild, then the extra guest fee should be setup directly to Eviivo.
  2. If the rate type is per Occupancy, you may set the extra guest fee in PriceLabs.
  3. Note: We push exact room charges by calculating the total price for the number of guests up to max occupancy.
** This applies to Guesty only. The feature is not available for Guesty for Hosts.
*** For Lodgify -  Please note that if the extra person fee is set on PriceLabs or Lodgify and then there is a change in reservation on Airbnb, the reservation changes will not include the Extra Fee per guest if the only change on the reservation is the number of guests. This is a restriction from Lodgify and is not something that can be controlled through PriceLabs. More on that can be read here.

How to set up Extra Person Fee in PriceLabs?

  1. On the Pricing Dashboard, click the "Review Prices" of the listing you want to set up
  2. Click "Edit" from the Customizations panel
  3. Go to the All Customizations tab, and click Extra Person Fee
  4. Turn on the toggle and set your preferred settings
  5. Click "Save Changes" when you're finished, and then click "Sync now" if you want to immediately apply the changes, otherwise, the changes to your syncing listing will be loaded during the nightly system update.


1) "If I have a fixed $ fee, will the the fixed $ amount be added per extra guest per night of the booking?"
Answer: Yes

2) "What if my PMS or OTA is not listed above?"
Answer: Please set it up on your PMS or your listing channel.

Reminder: It's important to remember that the nightly rates given by the system may vary if you've made any pricing adjustments outside of PriceLabs.

The details on the above table may change at any time, as we will be integrating with more PMS in the coming months. If you don't see your PMS on the list or would like to confirm the information - please reach out to us at support@pricelabs.co

Video Tutorial

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