What is Portfolio Analytics and how to use it?

What is Portfolio Analytics and how to use it?


Portfolio Analytics is one of PriceLabs’ key features, providing insights into the performance of your vacation rental portfolio. It displays metrics like occupancy rate, average daily rate (ADR), and revenue per available room (RevPAR) through easy-to-read charts and graphs, enabling data-driven decisions about your pricing strategy.

Even if you don’t use PriceLabs Dynamic Pricing, you can still benefit from Portfolio Analytics (listings must be imported). It serves multiple purposes, including:
  1. ReportingGain a high-level overview of key metrics. For example:
    1. This can be monthly revenue numbers,
    2. Listing level performance and more!

  2. Strategic InsightsAnalyze trends to refine your pricing and minimum stay strategies.. For example:
    1. Length of Stay (LOS) trends
    2. Booking window trends

  3. Identifying Underperforming Listings: Review and adjust properties not meeting expectations. For example:
    1. Scatter chart that allows you to select an area and make pricing changes to those properties
    2. Listing table with extensive information about each listing

  4. Market Comparisons: Compare your portfolio’s prices and occupancy trends with market data using Market Dashboards. For example:
    1. Choose a Market Dashboard in your account and compare your forward-looking prices and occupancy with the market data!

Supported Platforms

Portfolio Analytics supports the following platforms. If your PMS isn’t listed, contact support@pricelabs.co

AirbnbHostawayRentals United
Beds24iGMSRMS Cloud
Booking AutomationiPROSmoobu
BrightsideKross BookingStreamline
Elina PMSLodgixTalk Guest
Guesty for HostsNewBookYnnovBooking

How It Works

Reservation data is prorated across stay dates to provide accurate reporting. For instance, a 10-day reservation starting April 30 and ending May 10 will allocate 10% of the revenue to April and 90% to May.

Basics & Navigation

You'll find the Portfolio Analytics in the top menu bar, with two main options:
  1. KPIs & Historic Reports: Focuses on past performance.
  2. Pacing Reports: Provides actionable insights for future revenue strategies.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to your preferred report.
  2. Apply filters to view data specific to your needs e.g., by account, groups, listings, bedroom size, or city. For more details, check our guide here.
  3. Click See Analytics to load your customized report. If no filters are selected, data for all unhidden listings will display by default.

A navigation panel on the left lets you access specific charts, or you can scroll through the full report

Key Features

KPIs & Historic Reports

This section provides a backward-looking perspective to track past performance. Key components include:
  1. KPIs
  2. Revenue/ADR Details
  3. Trends by Stay Date (Monthly, Weekly, Daily, or by Day of Week)
  4. Trends by Booking Creation Date (Monthly, Weekly, Daily, or by Day of Week)
  5. Length of Stay and Booking Window Trends
  6. Listing Level Metrics (Insights + Table)

Pacing Reports

Focuses on forward-looking metrics to guide revenue strategies. Highlights include::
  1. Pacing Chart: Compare your booking rate to benchmarks like last year or market trends.
  2. Booking Curves: Visualize the current evolution of your listings’ performance.

Additional Resources

Glossary of Terms


Join our daily training sessions to learn PriceLabs best practices, including Portfolio Analytics. These sessions cover:
  1. Using KPIs to track performance
  2. Analyzing trends by stay date
  3. Comparing portfolio performance against the market

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