Getting Started with Report Builder

Getting Started with Report Builder

This feature is only available to selected Beta Users for now

Why Report Builder?

PriceLabs Report Builder is a free tool designed to enhance your reporting and data analysis capabilities within PriceLabs. With report builder, you can create, customize, and save reports that are tailored to your business and your regular performance review. These reports can be downloaded to Excel (.xlsx format) and can be edited further on excel to suit your needs.

Report Builder is a part of PriceLabs Portfolio Analytics header menu. To navigate to Report Builder, select Portfolio Analytics from the Header Menu and select Report Builder. There are also some 'Canned Reports' that we have created for you. Other reports generated by the users can be filtered by selected 'My Reports'.  Some of these canned reports are also pinned to the Header Menu for easy access. 

Home Screen- Report Library

When you enter the Report Builder section, you see certain reports that are added by default to your account (Canned Reports), you will see PriceLabs as the creator for these reports. You will also see all reports that you have Saved as a Template. Following are the actions you can perform on these reports-
  1. Delete Template ( ) - Delete an existing report template. Not applicable for canned reports.
  2. Edit Template ( ) - Edit characteristics of an existing report template. Not applicable for canned reports.
  3. Copy Template ( ) - Copy an existing report template 
  4. Download Report ( ) - Download the report with fresh data 

Canned reports

Canned reports are templates created by PriceLabs with certain defined characteristics- Stay date filters, Listing filters, Header rows, Values and Conditional formatting. These reports cannot be edited or deleted. PriceLabs will add reports that might be relevant for your account as canned reports for specific use cases. Currently there are 5 canned reports that are added to all accounts-

  1. On The Books (OTB) Report: Annual Listing level Data Split by Months
  2. On The Books (OTB) Report: Annual Listing level Data
  3. Pacing Report: Next 3 Months City level Data Split by BR count
  4. Pacing Report: Next 3 Months Group level Data Split By Cities
  5. On The Books (OTB) Report: Annual Portfolio Data Split by Months

Creating a report

Custom reports can be created by selecting the 'Create Report' option from the top right of the home screen as shown in the steps below. 
As an example to best understand report creation,  assume that you want to create a report for all your syncing listings that has Occupancy, ADR, RevPAR for each month in the current year and compare these against Occupancy, ADR and RevPAR for the listings as on the same day last year as well as compare against the market.
1. Click 'Create Report'

2. Select the 'Header Row'- Header row represents the level at which you would like to view your data, for instance, if you want to create a listing level report then select header row as 'Listings' or if you want to create a report for all listings at a month level, select 'Month' as the Header row. This is a mandatory selection for the report and based on the selection of Header row the report preview will be populated in the next step. You can also select Header attributes that you want to show in the report, for instance if you select Listings as the header row, you have the option to select listing attributes like Listing ID, Sync status, PMS name etc. as attributes. These attributes will show in individual columns against each of the entries under header row.
For the report we want to create we will select 'Listings' as the Header Row

3. Select 'Stay Date filter' - Report Builder reports can be generated for a period of stay date ranges, these date ranges can either be selected from a list of presets or you can define any custom dates by changing dates on the calendar. Stay dates for the next month are selected by default.
For the report we want to create, since we want the data for this year, we will select 'This year' in the stay date filter.

4. Select 'Listings filter'  - Report Builder reports can be generated for a specific set of listings, you can apply listings filters like elsewhere in PriceLabs. Filters saved in Pricing Dashboard can also be applied here. Only the data corresponding to the the set of listings selected here will be added to the data set.
For the report we want to create, since we want to add listings that have sync enabled, we will select the Sync = ON filter

5. Select 'Secondary Header Row' (Optional) - In case there is a requirement to group header rows for a particular case to get a more detailed view you can use 'Secondary Header Rows'
For the report we want to create, since we want a further grouping by months, we will select 'Month' under Secondary Header Rows

6. Values - These are metrics you want to add as columns to the report. For ease of discovery and use, we have split all metrics available to be be added to a report under 4 sections -
  1. Price Details and Metrics -  These are metrics related to price of the listings and the price in the market
  2. Occupancy Metrics - These are booking and Occupancy related metrics for the listings and the market
  3. Revenue Metrics - These are Revenue related metrics like ADR, Rental Revenue, RevPAR for the listing and for the market
  4. Pickup Metrics - These are all pickup related metrics like Revenue pickup, ADR pickup, Occupancy pickup categorised together
For the report we want to create, since we want Occupancy, ADR,  RevPAR, corresponding STLY (Same Time Last Year) & Market ADR, Market Occupancy, Market  RevPAR and corresponding STLY (Same Time Last Year) values we will select these from the Occupancy and Revenue metrics

7. Conditional Formatting-  While comparing data across value columns, to better understand variability you can add conditional formatting to each column by adding the column name and type of conditional formatting to be used for the specific column. Specific colors can be selected for each type of formatting option.
Some values have default formatting added to them by default, this can be edited from the conditional formatting section
For the report we want to create, assume that we want to add Conditional formatting to RevPAR Column
As you make changes to the above characteristics the report gets populated with a small subset of live data and is available to be viewed and downloaded.

Preview mode

As you add characteristics of the report and make changes to the filters to suit your needs, a preview of the report is generated alongside. The preview mode is created for you to check the format of the report, and it does not have the entire set of data fulfilling the characteristics and the filters. Once you are satisfied with the format of the report, you can either go to save the report as a template for further use, download the report in .xlsx (excel format) or view the full report on PriceLabs.
Preview mode does not have the entire set of data fulfilling the report characteristics and filters

View Full Report

Once you are satisfied with the report format you can select 'View Full Report' button as shown below, this will load the entire set of data on PriceLabs for you to analyse. There might be a wait time to load the report based on the number of values, type of values, and the length of stay date range selected.

Save the report as a template

If you feel that a created report can be reused further, you can save the report as a template by selecting 'Save as a Template' by giving the template an apt name and description. All saved templates appear on the home screen of report builder. Based on the stay date ranges selected whenever you download the report via a template, the report gets downloaded with the live data as of the day of download.
For the report we want to create, if the date of download is in the year 2024, then if the user selects 'This Year' under stay date filter the date would be downloaded for 2024 (1st Jan '24 to 31st Dec '24) and similarly if the date of download is 2025 'This Year' would mean data would be downloaded for 2025 (1st Jan '25 to 31st Dec '25). If you select 'Custom dates' the date ranges would be fixed independent of the date of download.

Please contact for any further details and queries or in case you want to request for Beta access.

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