When you review prices for a new listing added to Avantio, if no seasons have been set up in Avantio to start, our price feed from Avantio comes out empty. In such cases, you will see an error like the one below (if there are no seasons, our system thinks the property is not on sale):
"Unable to get rate data from Avantio. Have you declared seasons in Avantio?"
To fix this, create some seasons for future dates in Avantio and try again - note that after you create seasons in Avantio, it might take some time for it to show up in our feed.
Lastly, if seasons are created for some dates and not all, the dates with no seasons will show up as unavailable. When we update prices, a season will be created for each date that is updated by PriceLabs.
Expired occupation rule in Avantio
If a min-stay is sent from PriceLabs at some point and then the switch is toggled off for that listing, that may lead to an expired occupation rule in Avantio. If this happens, simply toggle on the min-stay switch and set a 1-night requirement, then press the Sync Now button for that listing to resolve the issue.
Please note that extra guest fees set in PriceLabs are applied to bookings made with more guests than the base guest count in Avantio. This guest count can be set by changing the main information in the property details. You can then select the number of guests to allow without adding the extra guest fee or the "Occupation without supplement".
When setting the extra guest fee in PriceLabs, that guest count must match the guest count set under "Occupation without supplement"