Connecting PriceLabs to
While actively syncing to a account using the advanced pricing model, PriceLabs can send daily rates, minimum stay requirements, length of stay pricing, and check-in and check-out restrictions to listings for dates up to 540 days from today (for more on extending your pricing calendar see our article here). For customers using the basic pricing model, PriceLabs can only update daily rates for your listings. For more details on how to configure stay requirements for your pricing model, please scroll down to the appropriate section below.
Minimum stay requirements and check-in/-out settings must be set in PriceLabs, or sync will fail. Please read our article on setting min-stays in PriceLabs for more information.
Also, in order for the dates to show available on PriceLabs calendar, and for prices and rate plans to update on Stays, it's necessary to first set up a base rate on Stays Calendar.
Connecting to
Step 1: First, log in to your account and go to the App Center from the main menu. Select PriceLabs in the App Center, then click to activate the connection. Expand the App Config section to view your Authorization credentials and click to save
Step 2: Then find your ID by clicking your name on your dashboard, as shown here.
Step 3: Once your credentials have been found, head over to your PriceLabs dashboard and click the "+ Add/Reconnect Listings" button; from the "PMS / Channel Manager". Select 'Stays' from the dropdown, and enter in the credentials from the App Center along with your ID. Once you've done that, click "Connect" to import your listings into PriceLabs!
By default, we import all listings/units from Stays, both Active and Hidden. If you prefer to import only the active listings, please ensure to tick Import only active listings.
Step 4: The minimum stay configuration in Stays must have all the types of minimum stay that are configured in PriceLabs , for example if some properties have minimum stay of 2 nights and on certain special dates, 3 nights, these must be reflected in your Stays configuration as shown in the screenshot below for example:
Please configure the same number of nights in General Settings => Pricing => Pricing Per Night => Common Rate Plans
You can now start reviewing prices for your listings! Be sure to go through our
Getting Started guide or join a PriceLabs 101 webinar to get a good overview of some PriceLabs basics, and remember you will need to set a default
minimum stay requirement.
When your stay restrictions have been set, you can toggle on the sync switch and either wait for our regular nightly sync or push the Sync Now! button to update your listing immediately.
Once a successful sync has happened, you can head to your multi-calendar and expand the listing to view your PriceLabs rates, with additional bands added for different stay requirements and your check-in and check-out restrictions sent from PriceLabs.
Setting Stay Requirements for Advanced Pricing Model
When configuring the minimum night requirements for your listings, the "Minimum stay update" switch in PriceLabs must be on for sync to be successful. Your minimum stay set in PriceLabs will work with the Length of Stay pricing model set in or PriceLabs. Any discounts set with your PriceLabs or LOS pricing model will be used for stays up to 14 nights. For this listing with a pricing model starting at 4 nights in,
We can allow shorter and more extended stays with the dynamic min-stays and LOS sent from PriceLabs.
Setting Stay Requirements for Basic Pricing Model
We highly recommend moving to the Advanced Pricing Model in when using PriceLabs as min-stay settings do not work between PriceLabs and for listings on the Basic Pricing Model. If staying with the Basic Pricing Model, the
minimum night update switch in PriceLabs must be on for sync to be successful, but the stay requirement will be based on the existing rate plan set for your listing in
For example, if the min-stay in PriceLabs was set to a flat 1-night stay.
Or a flat 3-night stay
The minimum LOS for this listing will be 2 nights regardless since that is what has been set with the rate plans.
And the PriceLabs daily rates will appear on the calendar adjusted for any discount set for that stay length in the rate plans for that property.
Setting up Length of Stay Pricing
If you have set up LOS premiums or discounts in your PriceLabs account for your listing like below:
Then, you need to have the same number of nights configured in your Stays account as well. Please configure the same number of nights in General Settings => Pricing => Pricing Per Night => Common Rate Plans as shown below:
Please note that it is necessary for the same number of nights to be configured in Stays as in LOS Pricing in PriceLabs, otherwise the missing nights in Stays will not receive the LOS price premiums or discounts from PriceLabs.
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