How to connect PriceLabs to ResNexus

How to Integrate PriceLabs with ResNexus

When successfully syncing, PriceLabs can send dynamic rates and extra guest fees to ResNexus listings for up to 729 days from today

Steps to import your ResNexus listings in PriceLabs:

From your ResNexus account:

Step 1: Add the PriceLabs Connection
  1. From Settings, select Integrations Marketplace.
  2. Click Learn More underneath PriceLabs on the list of available integrations.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. On the registration page, click Register. Registering will redirect you to the groups page automatically
Step 2: Create Groups for your Units
  1. If you are not already on the groups page, select Groups on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. Click Create Group to open the Group creation slide-in.
  3. Enter the Group Name.
  4. Check the box next to each Unit/Room that will be included in the Group.
    1. If you are adding more than one unit to the group, use the drop-down menu to select the Master Unit.
    2. The Master Unit controls the pricing updates from PriceLabs for all of the units in the group.
  5. Click Save.

Please Note:
  1. Multiple Units/Rooms should only be added to a group if the allowed number of guests and rates match for all units in the group.
  2. Units with different rates should NOT be grouped together, as rate updates from PriceLabs will apply the same rate adjustments to all units within the group.
  3. Group configuration needs to match what is set up on PriceLabs.

Step 3: Complete the Connection with PriceLabs
  1. Locate your Hotel ID in ResNexus - This is found on the Registration tab of your Pricelabs Channel. (Your hotel ID is unique to your property)
    1. From Settings, select Direct Connect
    2. Scroll down to the PriceLabs section and select Settings. ○
    3. On the Registration tab, make note of the Hotel ID. 

From your PriceLabs account:

  1. Log in to your PriceLabs account, click on the " Add your listings" button on your PriceLabs dashboard, select 'ResNexus' from the drop-down menu:
  2. Kindly enter your Hotel ID and click on 'Connect'. 
  3. Once PriceLabs is enabled to send rates to each room type, and you're satisfied with your recommended rates, toggle on the sync switch in PriceLabs and wait for our regular nightly sync, or click the "Sync now!" button to send your rates  to ResNexus immediately. 

Bedroom Count

Since we do not fetch Bedroom count from ResNexus, you will need to manually set your listing's bedroom information on PriceLabs. Here's how: 
  1. Navigate to Dynamic Pricing > Manage Listings
  2. Click the pencil icon under the BR Count column
  3. Select the correct number of bedrooms, then click the check button

AlertKindly note that before you turn sync on for your ResNexus listings, you must define extra person fees in order to include the maximum number of guests in the prices that get updated in ResNexus. Kindly follow the below instructions to define extra person fees.

How to update prices for different occupancies in ResNexus?

In order to have the prices application for all occupancies for your ResNexus listings, you are required to set up extra person fees. You can do so by setting extra person fees like below. To learn more about extra person fees, click here

Be sure to go through our Getting Started Guide or join one of our Intro to PriceLabs Live Training Sessions for a good overview of the dashboard and available customizations. 
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