How to connect PriceLabs to NewBook

How to Integrate PriceLabs with NewBook

Connecting PriceLabs to NewBook

When successfully syncing with NewBook, PriceLabs can send rates, minimum stay requirements, and extra person fee for dates up to 540 days from today (for more on extending your pricing calendar see our article here).

Setting up integration with Newbook

  1. To connect PriceLabs to NewBook you will first need to create an account with PriceLabs -- if you don't already have one, that can be done here
  2. Then contact to request a new connection to PriceLabs. NewBook support will send you the API key needed to connect to PriceLabs
  3. Now for the rooms and rate types, we want to manage in PriceLabs – we’d have to create a mapping.
    1. The first thing we are going to do is to create a Rate Type called 'pricelabs' and enable it for all the rooms that we want PriceLabs to be active for.
    2. To create a Rate Type, head to the menu search in NewBook, locate ‘Rate Types’, and select ‘Add Rate Type’ in the top bar.
    3. Once a Rate Type is created, then create a new ‘Rate’ and add ‘Rate Period’ and ‘Category of Accommodation’ and the newly created Rate Type – pricelabs to this.
  4. Once NewBook support has enabled the integration, Head to 3rd Party Booking Channels in NewBook and click on the PriceLabs Channel

  1. Then click to ‘Enable 2 Way’ for the status 
  2. Now, in the Pricelabs mapping section, you’ll see the rooms available to connect. To map the room to Pricelabs, you will need to enter the RoomCode, which is the Category ID in Newbook. This can be found by navigating to your Categories page and configuring the ID# Column as visible via Column Configuration found in the Options menu. Enter the corresponding Category ID into the RoomCode field. Each RoomCode should be unique.

Please don't include any spaces or any other special characters and only have alphabets or numbers in the RoomCode
  1. Only Against the “pricelabs” Rate plan that we had created, enter the RateCode as pricelabs
  2. Finally, come to PriceLabs, and click the "+ Add/Reconnect listings" button.  
  3. Select "PMS / Channel Manager" and choose "Newbook" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Input the API key into the appropriate fields, and click "Connect"

  1. You should see your NewBook listings that have RateCode and RoomCode filled in to appear on your PriceLabs dashboard!
  2. Now you can set up your PriceLabs account to have the rates that you want. Check out our Getting Started Guide for some basics, or join one of our Live Training Sessions to learn about all of the available customizations.
  3. When you sync prices from PriceLabs to NewBook. We will override the pricelabs RateType that we had created. These overrides will appear in bold text on the Rates Chart and you can hover over a rate to see the min-stay pushed for that date. The pricelabs rate type will be your master rate. From here you can setup dependent rates that will go to various channels.
  4. Once a successful sync happens, You can view each day's rate on the chart -- notice the dynamic rates in bold -- and hover over that rate to see the min-stay pushed for that date. 

NewBook Location Errors

In order to import your listings with the correct location, please set up the lat/long for your property in Newbook like demonstrated below.
How to set up latitude & longitude of your property in Newbook
You can also update the location of your listings in PriceLabs from the Manage listings page. 
Please refer to this article for more information and steps to update the location.

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