How to revert back to the old Algorithm (Less than 10 listings)

How to revert back to the old Algorithm (Less than 10 listings)

We have been testing our new algorithm (Hyper Local Pulse aka HLP) since 2023 with promising results (i.e. increased revenue compared to old algorithm), and is available for everyone now. But in case you think our new algorithm is not working for you can reach out to us at with your concerns or questions, and someone from our team will be able to help you. 

In case you want to migrate to Old Algorithm, please follow the below steps - 

Step 1: Enable the migration button
  1. Go to the Pricing Dashboard 
  2. Click the Row/Column Visibility button and put a check on Algorithm Version.
  3. A new column called "Algorithm version" will start to show on your dashboard. 

Please reach out to in case you don't see the "Review HLP Migration" button

Step 2: Select the Old algorithm
  1. Click on Review HLP Migration button next to the listing that you want to revert. 
  2. Toggle on Switch to New Algorithm
  3. Select Old Algorithm from the dropdown.

Step 3Click Save Changes

Step 4: Review the following customizations in case you made any changes to them while migrating to HLP from old algorithm:
  1. Day of Week Pricing Adjustments
  2. Demand Factor Sensitivity
  3. Seasonal Base Prices
  4. Seasonality
Step 5: Review the Base Price of all the listings that you migrated to old algorithm by looking at your prices in the Neighborhood Data (Future Prices Chart) and our Base Price Help tool.

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