How to connect PriceLabs to SabeeApp

How to Integrate PriceLabs with SabeeApp

When successfully syncing, PriceLabs can send dynamic rates, minimum stay restrictions and extra guest fees to SabeeApp listings for up to 720 days from today

Before importing your SabeeApp listings in PriceLabs, please note the below:
  1. Please reach out to SabeeApp for getting the Hotel ID for your property as it is required for importing in PriceLabs. 
  1. Kindly set up initial rates for all room types in SabeeApp before importing. You may use the Bulk price update tool in SabeeApp for this.

Steps to import your SabeeApp listings in PriceLabs:

In order to connect your PriceLabs account to your SabeeApp account, first you need to reach out to SabeeApp support in order to get your Hotel ID. You may reach out to SabeeApp using the help tool in your SabeeApp account:

Log in to your PriceLabs account, click on the " Add your listings" button on your PriceLabs dashboard, select 'SabeeApp' from the drop-down menu:

Kindly enter your Hotel ID and click on 'Connect'. 

Once PriceLabs is enabled to send rates to each property, and you're satisfied with your recommended rates, toggle on the sync switch in PriceLabs and wait for our regular nightly sync, or click the "Sync now!" button to send your rates  to SabeeApp immediately. 

Since we do not fetch Bedroom count from SabeeApp, you will need to manually set your listing's bedroom information on PriceLabs. Here's how: 
  1. Navigate to Dynamic Pricing > Manage Listings
  2. Click the pencil () icon under the BR Count column
  3. Select the correct number of bedrooms, then click the check () button
Points to note:
  1. PriceLabs can push prices to only Master Prices. You may use the Master Prices in SabeeApp to derive other rate plans.
  2. By default, PriceLabs will update the same prices for all occupancies(1 to max occupancy) of a room type. If you wish to add extra guest fees for some occupancies, then please head over to customizations in PriceLabs account and configure extra guest fees. Here is a help article on how to set up extra guest fees in PriceLabs

Be sure to go through our Getting Started Guide or join one of our Intro to PriceLabs Live Training Sessions for a good overview of the dashboard and available customizations. 
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