Creating and Using Check-in Check-out Profiles
What are Check-in Check-out Profiles?
Similar to PriceLabs
Minimum Stay Profiles, Check-in Check-out Profiles helps you apply CICO settings by season and across your portfolio.
With this feature, you can now create and save different Check-in Check-out settings and apply them to your listings, groups, accounts, or seasons with much ease.
Please note that Check in/Check out restrictions is available only for limited Channels and Property Management Systems.
Check out our table at the end of this article to see if we push this restriction for your PMS. If your PMS is not mentioned in the table, you'd have to set this restriction either directly to your PMS or your booking channels.
How to create Check-in Check-out Profiles?
- Navigate to Dynamic Pricing > Customizations
- Go to the Profiles tab
- Under Check-in Check-out Profiles, click "Create Profile"
- Enter the Profile Name and set your preferred Check-in Check-out Settings (for full details on how each rule works, check our guide here)
- Once done, click "Save Profile"
Creating Check-in Check-out Profiles from Custom Seasonal Profile
You can create Check-in Check-out Profiles when creating a Custom Seasonal Profile:
- On the Pricing Dashboard, click "Review Prices" on the listing you want to set up and click "Edit" under Customizations.
- Under the All Customizations tab, click Custom Seasonal Profile.
- Enable the toggle for Custom Seasonal Profile and click "Edit Profile"
- Click on "Add Seasonal Profile," then under Check-in Check-out Profiles, click on "Create Profile"
- Make your changes and click "Save Changes"
Applying Check-in Check-out Profiles
You can apply Check-in Check-out Profiles to Listings, Groups, or Accounts:
- On the Pricing Dashboard, click "Review Prices" on the listing you want to set up and click "Edit" under Customizations.
- Under the Essentials, click Stay Restrictions, and enable the toggle for Check-in Check-out
- Select the corresponding Check-in Check-out Profile
- Click "Save Changes"
Check-in Check-out for Seasonal Profiles
There are markets where depending on the season, you might want to have different Check-in Check-out settings. This can be achieved by applying Check-in Check-out Profiles to your Seasonal Profiles. If you leave any season with "None" as the Check-in Check-out profile, the corresponding listing/group/account level Check-in Check-out settings will be applied.
- On the Pricing Dashboard, click "Review Prices" on the listing you want to set up and click "Edit" under Customizations.
- Under the All Customizations, click Seasonal & Minimum Prices tab, enable the toggle for "Custom Seasonal Profile"
- Click "Edit Profile" then click "Add Season Profile"
- Click the three dots near "Add Season Profile" and check-mark "Add Check-in Check-out Profile" option
- Set your preferred name, date range and then select the corresponding Check-in Check-out Profile
Note: When Check-in Check-out profiles are applied to seasonal profiles, account, group and listing-level Check-in Check-out settings are ignored. Also, Check-in Check-out settings are all or nothing, this means that rules from different levels/profiles can't apply together (i.e., you can't have some CICO customizations from the CICO profile and some from group level). A full description of the hierarchy is available
Archiving Check-in Check-out Profiles
While deleting Check-in Check-out Profiles is currently not possible, you can declutter your Check-in Check-out Profiles by archiving the ones you no longer use. Here's how:
- Click on Dynamic Pricing from the top banner and select Customizations.
- Go to the Profiles tab.
- Click on the 3-dots icon to the right of the profile, and select Archive.
To unarchive a Check-in Check-out profile, click on
and the archived profiles will show up. You can then click on the 3-dots icon to the right of the archived profile, and select Unarchive. Note: Check-in Check-out Profile can be archived even if they're applied/active somewhere. Active Check-in Check-out Profile, when archived, will continue to take effect, and there will be no change in the Check-in Check-out settings where it is applied. Archiving Check-in Check-out Profiles basically hides the profile from the Check-in Check-out profile tab.
Check-In/Out Restrictions Availability
This feature is only available for the mentioned PMS/platforms below:
PMS/Platform |
365Villas | |
Airbnb | Check-in only |
Apaleo | |
Avantio | |
Ayrton | |
Beds24 | |
Bookerville | Check-in only |
BookingAutomation | |
BookingSync | |
CiiRUS | |
Ciaobooking | |
Cloudbeds | |
Deskline | |
Escapia | |
Everyoffice | |
Eviivo | |
EZCloud | |
FantasticStay | Check-in only |
Freemium | |
Homhero | |
Hostaway | |
Hostex | |
Hostfully (Orbirental) | |
Hosthub (Syncbnb) | |
Hostify | |
Hosttools | |
Hotres | |
Houfy | |
Interaction Booking Manager | |
iPro | Must be set in PriceLabs |
Italianway(Kalisi) | |
Janiis | |
Mews | |
LosjiTech | |
MiniHotel | |
MyVR | Check-in only |
Net2rent | |
Octorate | |
OwnerRez | |
RentalWise | |
RoomAdmin | |
RoomSoft | |
SearchAndStay | |
Secra | |
Staah | |
Stays | |
SuperControl | Must be set in PriceLabs |
SuiteClerk | |
Track | |
Update247 | |
Uplisting | |
URBooked | |
VRBO | Must be set in PriceLabs |
VR Bookings | Check-in only |
Vreasy | |
VRM | Check-in only |
Woodoo | |
Zak |
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