How to connect PriceLabs to BookingSync

How to Integrate PriceLabs with Smily (formerly BookingSync)

About the Integration

When actively syncing to BookingSync, PriceLabs can send rates, minimum stay requirements, weekly and monthly discounts, and extra guest fees for dates up to 540 days from today (see our article here on extending your pricing calendar beyond that point). Please note that listings will need to have a starting price set on BookingSync before you can review prices on PriceLabs, and the nightly minimum set in BookingSync must be lower than the rate pushed by PriceLabs or rates will not be pushed from BookingSync to your channels. 
Listings under 1 account in BookingSync cannot be split into multiple PriceLabs account

Step 1. To connect your account, first, go to the Apps section of BookingSync and visit the App Center to add PriceLabs app to your profile.

Step 2. Install the PriceLabs app and authorize PriceLabs to pull your information and process your data to push dynamic pricing and min-stays to your listings

Step 3. Once PriceLabs has gotten authorization, you should see the app in your BookingSync App Center

If the connection is successful, you will be redirected to PriceLabs where you'll see this message and your BookingSync listings on your PriceLabs dashboard.

You can now review and customize prices (more on that here) or join one of our Intro to PriceLabs Live Training Sessions to get a guided overview of the system. When you're happy with your customization settings, toggle ON the sync switch, and your PriceLabs rates will be sent to BookingSync at the next nightly update, or use the "Sync now!" button to push rates immediately. 

Note: In case you wish to uninstall the PriceLabs app after using it with BookingSync, you will need to unset the "managed externally" flag on the rental to publish it again (just uninstalling/disabling the app will un-publish the rental). At that point, we recommend that you set your own prices again in BookingSync to publish it.

Setting Length of Stay Pricing adjustments for BookingSync listings

You can now set discounts or premiums based on the length of stay (Length of Stay Pricing) for BookingSync listings! 
This is a request-only feature. Please reach out to us at and we shall grant you the access!

Let's take a look at where you will find this:
  1. From the Review Prices page, click "Edit" on the Customizations panel
  2. Go to the General tab and enable the toggle for Length of Stay Pricing Adjustments
  3. Click "Edit Adjustments"
  4. Set your preferred adjustments
    Important Notes:
    1. All the fields for Premium/Discount are required to be entered. ("Add another night" will allow you to enter another rule) 
    2. The stay length value should be greater than the previous stay length, and it uses the "greater than or equal to" logic (ex. for ≥ 1 stay length, if the next stay length is ≥ 5, then the adjustment for ≥ 1 covers 1 to 4 nights)
    3. The stay length of stay > 30 nights will be considered as Midterm pricing and will be pushed for Midterm pricing in BookingSync
      5. Once done, click on "Update Changes" > "Save Changes"    

We do not support Min and Max prices for Length of stay pricing at the moment for BookingSync. 
So any higher discount/premium applied via LOS can make the prices go below your Default listing level Minimum/Maximum price respectively. 

To verify the applied Length of Stay in BookingSync:

Login to your BookingSync account and go to Rentals ➡ Rates and scroll down.

You will see Rate Rules updated with "Stay at Least".

If you scroll down further, you will see the mid-term prices also updated.

To read about length of stay pricing adjustments in more depth, do check out this article!

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