When actively syncing, PriceLabs can send dynamic rates and minimum stay requirements to your Booking Automation listings for dates up to 540 days from today
(see our article here for more information on extending your pricing calendar beyond that point).
Connecting Booking Automation to PriceLabs
Step 1. Log in to Booking Automation and make sure that the latitude and longitude are correct for each of your properties in Booking Automation. This can be set under Settings > Properties > Description.
Step 2. Set a daily base rate for each room via the Calendar page for one year from today. To do this go to Calendar > Daily Price and click on any date in the Daily Rate row, enter your price in the pop-up that opens and set the date for one year from today.
Step 3. Enable PriceLabs by going to Settings > Apps & Integrations >PriceLabs and ticking the checkbox for "Enable" for the properties you wish to connect with PriceLabs. Save the page when you're finished enabling properties and then copy the PriceLabs key (highlighted in yellow below).
Step 4. Log in to your PriceLabs account, click the "Add your listings" button (if you don't have any listings yet) or "Add/Reconnect Listings" (if you have listings on your PriceLabs account already) on your PriceLabs dashboard, select "PMS / Channel Manager", and search for Booking Automation from the drop-down. Paste the PriceLabs key on the Auth Key field. Click "Connect" and your listing(s) will be imported from Booking Automation into PriceLabs.
You can click "Review Prices" to set customizations and view pricing recommendations for each listing. Be sure to check out our
Getting Started Guide and join one of our
Live Training Sessions to get a good overview of the system. Once you're satisfied with your rates you can turn the Sync Prices on and wait for our regular nightly sync or use the "Sync Now" button to sync prices immediately.
Resolving sync issues
If your minimum stay or pricing is not updating in PriceLabs, check the values you have set on Booking Automation
Leave Minimum Stay = None and Minimum Price = 0.00 (or your minimum) PriceLabs can NOT cut/reduce these values.
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