Come integrare PriceLabs con FreeOnlineBooking

Come integrare PriceLabs con FreeOnlineBooking

When successfully syncing rates to FreeOnlineBooking listings, PriceLabs can update daily rates, min-stay & Check-in/CheckOut restrictions.  It only takes a few minutes to connect your FreeOnlineBooking account to PriceLabs, we have detailed the steps for connecting your FreeOnlineBooking listings with PriceLabs below:

Importing FreeOnlineBooking listings in PriceLabs: 

Step 1 : Create a PriceLabs account and Add your listings

Once in your PriceLabs account, click on the upper left gray button “+ Add/Reconnect listings”

A popup window will appear and offer you to choose your PMS within the list. Search for “FreeOnlineBooking”. Then be sure to check “Allow FreeOnlineBooking to add listings to your PriceLabs account”. Then click Save

Step 2: Connect & setup in FreeOnlineBooking account

Once you have setup your account on PriceLabs, go to the Rates section in FreeOnlineBooking and click on the PriceLabs tab. Tick the box to use PriceLabs and then enter your PriceLabs username in the box provided:

The system will update PriceLabs with your rate, minimum stay and check-in/out by default (this is mandatory). You
can optionally choose to update your reservation data to PriceLabs. If you tick the box to 'Use Rates As Default', then FreeOnlineBooking will effectively ignore your seasonal base rates, and use PriceLabs recommended rates as default. Leave this option unticked if you wish to continue using seasonal rates and use rates from PriceLabs as a guide for how you set your pricing. PriceLabs rates can be overridden as normal; this gives you full control over your pricing.

If you tick the box to 'Use MinStay As Default', then FreeOnlineBooking will effectively ignore your base minimum stays (which are set at the rate-card level), and use PriceLabs recommended minimum stays as default. Leave this option unticked if you wish to continue using base minimum stays and use minimum stays from PriceLabs as a guide for how you set minimum stays. PriceLabs minimum stays can be overridden as normal; this gives you full control over your
minimum stays.

The rate modifier option allows you to alter recommended rates from PriceLabs up or down based on a percentage
that you specify. This is useful if you increase your rates on sales channels in FreeOnlineBooking using a rate modifier to
compensate for commission. As recommended rates from PriceLabs will be the sales channel/OTA rate you will
need to decrease the PriceLabs rates to give you your non-commissionable rate.

Step 3: Mapping in FreeOnlineBooking:

In the mapping tab you can specify which room types and ratecards/rateplans you wish to setup and use on
PriceLabs. For each room type you wish to use, you must specify a default rate card. PriceLabs will supply
recommended rates only for the default ratecard for each room type. Once you are done, click on the Update
Mappings button; this will create new listings on PriceLabs and setup the associated rateplans. If at a later stage
you wish to deactivate a specific room type/listing, you will need to unselect the room type in this mapping section,
click update and then manually delete that listing from PriceLabs. 

Step 4: Synchronization control in FreeOnlineBooking:

If initially setting-up PriceLabs, then it is ESSENTIAL to update your inventory to PriceLabs by clicking the button on
this tab. You will also need to click on the 'Update All Reservations To PriceLabs' button if you have selected to
update your reservations to PriceLabs.

Once you have updated your inventory (and reservations), then you need to logon to PriceLabs and:

1. Click on your user icon (top right hand side) and select 'Settings'. Go to 'Synch Settings' and select to specify your
own synch time. Set to 11pm your local time zone.
2. For each room type/listing - set the base, min and max price. Also turn on the 'Synch Prices' option.
3. For each room type/listing - if you wish to receive recommended minimum stays then click on the 'Edit' button on
the 'Customisations' section and ensure that Minimum Stay Settings are toggled on.
4. Please review and update all other options for each room type/listing on PriceLabs to fine tune the
recommended rate calculation. In particular, go through the process to recommend a base rate
for each listing.

Step 4 : Finish the setup of your listing in PriceLabs

Now you can go into your PriceLabs account, click on “Review Prices” for the listing you want to set up, then set a minimum and base price.

To save your settings, click on "Save & Refresh. When you're satisfied with the rates on your PriceLabs calendar, you can toggle on the sync switches for your listing(s) and wait for our regular nightly sync, click "Sync Now!" to send prices immediately for individual listings or go to the Customizations page to sync your entire account at once. 

Once you have successfully imported your listings, you can go through our Getting Started guide or join one of our  live onboarding training sessions during office hours to get a good overview of the system and all of the available customizations. 

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