How to Integrate Pricelabs with Escapia

How to Integrate Pricelabs with Escapia

When actively syncing with Escapia, PriceLabs will send daily rates and minimum stay requirements, along with check-in / check-out restrictions to Escapia listings for 540 days from today. This easy integration allows Escapia users to import their properties to PriceLabs and see the recommended prices almost instantaneously. 
Before you can integrate your Escapia with PriceLabs, you must first email  and request them to add PriceLabs to the partner picker list for your account.

Escapia Integration steps 

In Escapia

Step 1:  To get started, log in to Escapia and navigate to Admin -> Setup -> EscapiaNET -> Network Partners. Check the box for PriceLabs.Inc and click "Save & Finish".

Step 2:  Navigate to Admin -> Setup -> EscapiaNET -> Unit Distribution. Open the connection with PriceLabs.Inc and select the units that you want to distribute.

Step 3:  Navigate to Admin -> Setup -> Vrbo Software Partner. Click Manage Partner for Pricelabs.Inc. Check the box for Enable Partner, and then enable the permissions listed below. Make sure to scroll down and save after enabling the permissions.
  1. getReservationById
  2. getReservationByNumber
  3. getReservationChanges
  4. searchReservationSummaries

In PriceLabs 
Log in to PriceLabs and click the "Add your listings" button (if you don't have any listings yet) or "Add/Reconnect Listings" (if you have listings on your PriceLabs account already) on your PriceLabs dashboard, select "PMS / Channel Manager" and search for Escapia from the drop-down. Enter your Escapia Agency ID and the primary email associated with your Escapia account then click "Connect". 

* You can find your Agency UID (Escapia account number) by clicking the profile icon in the top-right corner of Escapia:

** Primary Email can be found within Escapia -> Admin -> Business.

Voila! Your Escapia listings should now show on your PriceLabs dashboard. You can now review and customize prices (more on that here) or join one of our Intro to PriceLabs Live Training Sessions to get a guided overview of the system. Once you're satisfied with your rates you can turn the Sync Prices on and wait for our regular nightly sync or use the "Sync Now" button to sync prices immediately.

Kindly note that Escapia system performs a unit validation test once per day so any new units will take up to 24 hours to distribute via the API. Hence, it may take up to 24 hours before any newly added listings show up in your PriceLabs dashboard. 

Troubleshooting Tips

Switching to Rates Manager within Escapia:
Accounts that are currently using "Advanced Pricing" will need to switch to the "Rates Manager" when they want to go live with PriceLabs rates.

PriceLabs' rates will not flow through to any channels until the property manager updates the Pricing Strategy: Reservations -> Setup -> Reservations to the “Price Manager” engine (see below). 

For users who are still on Advanced Pricing, they should wait until PriceLabs loads rates for all units before switching over to the Rates Manager pricing engine. Property managers should also set up their minimum night stay and lead time Global Rates settings by navigating to Rates -> Global Rates Settings before making the switch to Rates Manager. For accounts that are already on the Rates Manager pricing engine, the prices that PriceLabs sends to Escapia will reflect on all channels during the next data sync.

Missing Base Rates / No Rates in Escapia:
If you receive an error showing that Escapia rates are missing it might be that the new rates manager in Escapia does not have any rates yet. Follow these steps to populate rates in the new rates manager:
1. In Escapia: Navigate to Rates -> Global Rates Setting. Enter a default Minimum night stay. Enter a default lead time. Save Settings
2. In Escapia: Navigate to Rates -> Rates Manager. Click the Populate your rates button in the top right corner.
3. In PriceLabs: Refresh your page. Click "Review Prices" for the listing that was receiving the error message.

Minimum Stay Restrictions

  1. Escapia limits the 'minimum stays' to 98 days at max. Please ensure that the minimum stay for your listings is not above 120 days for any of the days in the calendar. Any value more than 98 would cause the sync of restrictions to fail.
  2. If there are no min stay settings set in PriceLabs and no min stay overrides in Escapia Rates Manager, then it defaults to the Global Rates Settings.

Adding New Units

When you want to add a new unit to your PriceLabs account, you will need to distribute the unit in Escapia. Navigate to Admin -> Setup -> EscapiaNET -> Unit Distribution, open the PriceLabs connection, and then check the box to distribute the new unit.
Make sure all the below steps are completed for the new listings- 
  1. Use “Rates Manager” Pricing Engine has to be ON
  2. Rates should be set (any rate throughout the next year from today)
  3. Bathroom information should be updated
  4. Listing Readiness Report should say Pass

Once this is complete, within PriceLabs, click the "Add/Reconnect Listings" button, select Escapia from the drop-down menu and re-enter your account credentials. 

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