When actively syncing with Previo, PriceLabs can send dynamic prices and minimum stay restrictions to your listings for dates up to 365 days from today.
Setting up rates in Previo
It is mandatory to activate PriceLabs connection for your hotel. Kindly reach out to Previo in order to activate connection to PriceLabs for your hotel.
Before importing your Previo room types as listings in PriceLabs, please note the below configurations that would be required in order to correctly import their rates and availability.
Once you have logged into your Previo account, click on 'Pricelist' menu as shown below:
You will now be able to review the prices and availability set for your room types in Previo. Kindly ensure that all the room types have initial prices and availability set for at least 2 years in future.
Please note: If a room type shows availability on any date in the calendar but has no corresponding rates, PriceLabs will automatically update the rates for those dates when the sync toggle is turned ON.
Integrating Previo with your PriceLabs account is simple and can be done by following these simple steps:
Before starting the import process, log on to your Previo account and note the Hotel ID which is present in the URL for your hotel in Previo, as indicated in the below screenshot.
1. Once you have your Previo Hotel ID handy, head over to your PriceLabs account, click the "Add your listings" or "Add/Reconnect listings" button, select Previo from the drop down.
2. Enter your Previo Hotel ID and click on 'Connect'
3. Click "Connect" and you should see your Previo listings on your PriceLabs dashboard!
Kindly note that Previo does not allow us to update a min-stay greater than 28 days. If the min-stay on any date in the calendar is set greater than 28, the sync will fail.
How to update prices for different occupancies in Previo?
By default, we will update the same prices for all occupancies for a room type in Previo. However, if you wish to set different prices for different occupanies, you can do so by setting extra person fees like below. To learn more about extra person fees,
click here.
Click through our Getting Started Guide, or join one of our Intro to PriceLabs Live Training Sessions to get a good tour of the system. When you're happy with your rates, you can toggle the sync switches to the green on position and wait for our regular nightly sync, or press the Sync Now button to push your rates to Previo.