How to Integrate PriceLabs with My-Bookings

How to Integrate PriceLabs with My-Bookings

When successfully syncing rates to My-Bookings  listings, PriceLabs can update daily rates, min-stay restrictions & Check-in/Check-out restrictions.  It only takes a few minutes to connect your My-Bookings account to PriceLabs, we have detailed the steps for connecting your My-Bookings with PriceLabs below:

Importing My-Bookings listings in PriceLabs: 

Step 1 : Create a PriceLabs account and Add your listings

Once in your PriceLabs account, click on the upper left gray button “+ Add/Reconnect listings”

A popup window will appear and offer you to choose your PMS within the list. Search for “My-Bookings”. Then be sure to check “Allow My-Bookings to add listings to your PriceLabs account”. Then click Save

Step 2: Connect & setup in My-Bookings account

a) Once you have setup your account on PriceLabs, In my-bookings dashboard, navigate to the “Ratemanagers” section from the menu and Select the “PriceLabs” option.

You will now see the PriceLabs “Prices” Menu, where all future prices synced from PriceLabs will be displayed.

b) Click on the “Accounts” section in the top navigation and Press the “Neuen Account anlegen” button to add a new account.

c) Enter an internal name in the Name input field. (This name is for internal reference only and will not be visible to the public.)  In the E-Mail field, enter your PriceLabs user email address. (Ensure that your PriceLabs account is set up as described in the preparation section above). Click “Speichern” to save your PriceLabs account.

d) Press the “Kategorien zuweisen” button to start assigning my-bookings categories to PriceLabs.

e) In the PriceLabs Account Assignment modal, select the listings you want to connect. Click “Speichern” to confirm your selections and sync your listings to PriceLabs.


Step 4 : Finish the setup of your listing in PriceLabs

Now you can go into your PriceLabs account, click on “Review Prices” for the listing you want to set up, then set a minimum and base price.

To save your settings, click on "Save & Refresh. When you're satisfied with the rates on your PriceLabs calendar, you can toggle on the sync switches for your listing(s) and wait for our regular nightly sync, click "Sync Now!" to send prices immediately for individual listings or go to the Customizations page to sync your entire account at once. 

Once you have successfully imported your listings, you can go through our Getting Started guide or join one of our  live onboarding training sessions during office hours to get a good overview of the system and all of the available customizations. 

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