How to connect PriceLabs to Kross Booking

How to Integrate PriceLabs with Kross Booking

When actively syncing, PriceLabs can send dynamic rates and minimum stay requirements to Kross Booking listings for up to 540 days from today (for more on extending your pricing calendar, see our article here). Before connecting Kross Booking to PriceLabs, you must first make sure that each listing has a daily rate set up in Kross Booking for at least 1 year, and has the correct latitude and longitude assigned. Then you must reach out to Kross Booking support to request PriceLabs access for your account. Once you've gotten the notification that access to connect PriceLabs to your Kross Booking account has been granted, you can follow the steps below to connect your accounts.  

Connecting to Kross Booking

Step 1. To connect, simply log in to PriceLabs and click the " Add your listings" or  "Add/Reconnect listings" button on your dashboard. Select Kross Booking from the drop-down menu and enter your Hotel ID in the space provided. If your hotel has multiple locations, you can enter the booking account ID in the second space if you have created different PriceLabs accounts for each Kross Booking account. 

Once you click "Connect" you'll see your Kross Booking listings appear on your PriceLabs dashboard! Check out our Getting Started Guide or one of the Live Training Sessions
 to get a good overview of the available customizations. Once you're satisfied with your pricing recommendations, you can turn sync on for your listings. Once that's done, you can wait for our regular nightly sync to push prices, or you can do a manual sync using the Sync Now! button. After a successful sync happens, you'll be able to see your PriceLabs rates and minimum stay requirements on your Kross Booking calendar. 

Please note that after your listings are successfully synced, it may take a few hours for the rates/prices from PriceLabs to be reflected on Kross Booking.

Rate Plans in Kross Booking.

If you set multiple rate-plans in Kross booking, make sure that the 'Pricelabs standard rate' is set as the 'master rate', and that the other rate-plans derivate from it.

Block information in Kross Booking.

To ensure that PriceLabs considers blocks, please use the status 'closed,' 'blocked,' 'owner', 'chiuso', 'propri' when creating blocks in Krossbooking. You can create these statuses under Configuration >> Housing Units >> Booking Statuses >> New.

For any question or feedback, please reach out to us at
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