How to connect PriceLabs to Avirato

How to Integrate PriceLabs with Avirato

PriceLabs can send daily rates to Avirato for up to 540 days in advance.

Step 1: Connecting Avirato to PriceLabs

  1. Reach out to PriceLabs Support at to enable Avirato connection for your PriceLabs account.
  2. Once Avirato is enabled for your account, log in to PriceLabs.
  3. Click "Add your listings" (if you have no listings) or "Add/Reconnect Listings" (if you already have listings).
  4. Select "PMS / Channel Manager" and choose Avirato from the dropdown.
  5. Enter your Avirato Username and Password, and select your property's currency, then click Connect.
    1. Avirato does not provide currency information, so select the correct currency during import. To change the currency later, re-import your listings.

  6. Once connected, your Avirato listings will appear in your PriceLabs dashboard

Step 3: Reviewing & Syncing Prices

  1. Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your listings.
  2. Review your pricing and settings in PriceLabs.
  3. Enable Sync Prices for automatic updates, or click "Sync Now" to push updates immediately.
  4. Check your Avirato account to verify updates

PriceLabs can update all the master rate plans in Avirato for a given property. A default rate plan is required for your BBPlanner property. This is the rate plan whose prices will appear in your PriceLabs calendar for the property. If you'd like to view prices for any other rate plan, simply change the default rate plan. Upon the first import of a property, the first-rate plan will be set as the default.

Changing and Reviewing the Default Rate Plan

  1. Access your listing's Pricing Calendar
  2. On the right-side panel, locate "Rate Plan Customization" and click the "eye" icon to access the customization screen

  3. In the customization screen, you can select a different default rate plan and apply adjustments. These adjustments can be set as a fixed amount or percentage to the rate plans. There are 3 options under 'Update Type':
    • Price and Restrictions: Updates both the price and restrictions for the rate plan.
    • Price: Updates only the daily price.
    • None: Skips the rate plan entirely.

  4. Click "Save Rate Plans" to save and apply your changes.

Next Steps

✅ Review pricing and rules regularly.
✅ Join our 
Intro to PriceLabs Live Training for further insights.
✅ With these steps, your PriceLabs-Avirato integration should run smoothly!
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