How to connect PriceLabs to Apaleo

How to Integrate PriceLabs with Apaleo

PriceLabs can send daily rates, minimum stay requirements, and check-in/check-out restrictions to Apaleo for up to 365 days in advance.

Before You Start

Before proceeding with the integration, keep the following in mind:
  1. Listings from one Apaleo account cannot be split across multiple PriceLabs accounts.
  2. Only "Overnight" rates and base rate plans can be updated by PriceLabs.
  3. Only "Bedroom" type units can be synced with Apaleo.

Step 1: Prepare Your Apaleo Account

  1. Log into your Apaleo account.
  2. Set up a Base Rate Plan for each listing you wish to import to PriceLabs. Only base rate plans can be imported from Apaleo. Derived rate plans cannot be imported or updated due to Apaleo's limitations. If you don’t have a base rate plan, follow these steps:
    1. On the left side panel, navigate to "Properties" and access your listing

    2. Click on the "Rates" dropdown and choose "Rate plans"

    3. Click on "New rate plan" and set up your rate plan

    4. Assign the right Unit Group: Ensure the correct unit group is assigned to the rate plan, and set the time slice to "Overnight." We do not support "Day Use."

    5. Add Booking Periods: Ensure booking periods are set for your rate plan. You can define a longer rate period in Apaleo, but PriceLabs can only update rates for up to 1 year from the current date.

    6. Set the Pricing rule to "Manually managed rates"

  3. Add a Base Price:
    1. Go to Prices > Select Overnight > click on the 3 dots > Prices.

    2. Enter the Start and End Date, select Set Single Price from the dropdown,

    3. Set the base price of your choice under "Single occupancy price", then click Apply.

Step 2. Connecting Apaleo to PriceLabs

  1. Log into PriceLabs.
  2. Click "Add your listings" (if you have no listings) or "Add/Reconnect Listings" (if you already have listings).
  3. Select "PMS / Channel Manager" and choose Apaleo from the dropdown.

  4. Click "Connect with Apaleo" and you will be redirected to Apaleo's website to authorize PriceLabs to pull your properties.
  5. Once connected, your Apaleo listings will appear in your PriceLabs dashboard.

Kindly refer to the attached onboarding guide for more information.
Please note, that even though Apaleo integration does not support a LOS (Length of Stay) adjustment via PriceLabs, you can achieve a similar effect using the aforementioned Rate plan adjustment.

Be sure to go through our Getting Started Guide or join one of our Intro to PriceLabs Live Training Sessions for a good overview of the dashboard and available customizations. 
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