How to Integrate PriceLabs with Estar Booking
PriceLabs can update prices and minimum stay requirements for your Estar Booking listings for up to 540 days in advance.
Before You Start
Before integrating Estar Booking with PriceLabs, ensure that:
Step 1: Preparing Your Estar Booking Account
- Once access is granted by, you must activate each property individually to receive PriceLabs pricing.
Step 2: Connecting Estar Booking to PriceLabs
- Log into PriceLabs.
- Click "Add Your Listings" (if you have no listings) or "Add/Reconnect Listings" (if you already have listings).
- Select "PMS / Channel Manager", then search for Estar Booking from the dropdown menu.
- Enter your Estar Booking credentials in the respective fields.
- Click "Connect" to import your listings into PriceLabs.

Step 3: Reviewing & Syncing Prices
- Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your listings.
- Review your pricing and settings in PriceLabs.
- Enable Sync Prices for automatic updates, or click "Sync Now" to push updates immediately.
- Check your Channex account to verify updates
Next Steps
✅ With these steps, your PriceLabs-Estar Booking integration should run smoothly!
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