How to Integrate PriceLabs with Elina PMS
When actively syncing with elina PMS, PriceLabs can send dynamic rates and minimum stay requirements to single and multi-unit listings for dates up to 365 days from today.
Before you link PriceLabs to elina PMS you must first make sure daily rates are set for 365 days within elina then reach out to elina PMS at to request a connection to PriceLabs.
Requirements needed before you begin:
- The elina concierge team will need to create a username and password, and provide it to you to add it to PriceLabs
- You need to make sure all your property types have GEO location entered in your elina system. For more details see the elina PMS article here.
Connecting to elina PMS
Once you've received a username and password from the elina PMS concierge team, and followed the steps above, you can connect your accounts by logging in to your PriceLabs account and clicking the "Add your listings" button (if you don't have any listings yet) or "Add/Reconnect Listings" (if you have listings on your PriceLabs account already) on your PriceLabs dashboard, select "PMS / Channel Manager" and search for Elina PMS from the drop-down. Enter the account details you received from elina PMS Support. (For more details on connecting your elina PMS account to PriceLabs, see the elina PM article here.) 
You should now see all your listings in the PriceLabs dashboard! Our onboarding guide has info on how to review prices, set appropriate parameters, make adjustments etc. You can also join one of our PriceLabs 101 Live Training Sessions for a guided tour and some best practices tips. Once you're satisfied with your rates you can turn the Sync Prices on and wait for our regular nightly sync or use the "Sync Now" button to sync prices immediately. And you can view the prices
we updated in elina once the sync is done - it should look like this:
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