How to Integrate PriceLabs with Better Hotel
PriceLabs can send daily rates and minimum stay restrictions to Better Hotel for up to 365 days in advance.
Before You Start
Before proceeding with the integration, keep the following in mind:
- By default, PriceLabs updates the Standard Rate, but you can choose a different rate set to update.
Step 1: Prepare Your Airbnb Account
- Log in to your Better Hotel account.
- From the left side panel, click on "Connected Apps" to view the app marketplace

- Locate and select PriceLabs, then click the "INITIATE INTEGRATION" button

- Copy and save your Login secret (API key).

Step 2: Connecting Better Hotel to PriceLabs
- Log into PriceLabs.
- Click "Add your listings" (if you have no listings) or "Add/Reconnect Listings" (if you already have listings).
- Select "PMS / Channel Manager" and choose Betterhotel from the dropdown.

- Enter your Login Secret on the API Key field and click connect.
- Once connected, your Better Hotel listings will appear in your PriceLabs dashboard.
Step 3: Reviewing & Syncing Prices
- Follow the Getting Started guide to set up your listings.
- Review your pricing and settings in PriceLabs.
- Enable Sync Prices for automatic updates, or click "Sync Now" to push updates immediately.
- Check your Better Hotel account to verify updates
- Your PriceLabs rates and minimum stay requirements will appear on your Better Hotel rates tape.
- Choose the rate category assigned for PriceLabs access and expand the "Detailed Restrictions" section to view your minimum stay requirements.

Next Steps
✅ With these steps, your PriceLabs-Better Hotel integration should run smoothly!
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