Manage Listings
Combined Listings
What are Combined Listings? To maximize revenue from a house, home owners split up (or combine) the house into various smaller units. They then list each unit as a unique listing on OTAs (like Airbnb, Vrbo) thus maximizing the revenue from the house, ...
Understanding the Manage Listings Page
The Manage Listings page lets you easily modify and oversee your listings from one convenient location. You can map or un-map your listings, hide them from view, permanently delete them, or update them in bulk. Read on to understand the various ...
Multi-unit Mapping
Multi-units are properties with the same category or room type located in the same area. Mapping them together: Ensures rate parity between listings. Enables applying minimum, base, and maximum prices, along with customizations and overrides, from a ...
How to Map Listings?
Mapping listings is useful when the same property is listed on multiple booking channels (e.g., Airbnb and Vrbo) or Property Management Systems. It helps maintain rate parity between similar listings, reduces the effort required to update pricing and ...
Misplaced Listings
Did you temporarily misplace a listing or two after using the sort or hide function? We can help you find it! Lost listings can generally be found one of two ways: First, check to make sure your listing hasn't been hidden by going to the Manage ...