PriceLabs Market Dashboards

Market Dashboards - Amenities

Market Dashboards are fully automated personalized dashboards that can help you track your location’s STR booking data through easy to digest graphs and insights. 
New user accounts with listings imported in PriceLabs will be credited with 1 free dashboard to help you figure out what is happening in your market. Updating the dashboards after the trial costs $9.99 per dashboard per month. 

The Amenities Section    

This section has two charts detailing desired features in a listing by comparing the percentage of listings with an amenity to the percentage of bookings with the amenity. The Common Amenities chart orders the amenities by the percentage of listings that have them, while the Desired Amenities chart orders the amenities by those with the largest difference between the percentage of listings with that amenity and bookings.

In the example below, you can see on the Common Amenities chart that about 98.54% of listings in this report have Wifi in their listing details, but a bit over 99% of stays are booked with listings that mention having heating. 

And on the Desired Amenities chart, "Hairdryer" listings have the biggest difference between the percentage of bookings made and listings that report having that amenity.

If there is a specific amenity you are trying to find details on, you can use the search bar to see how many listings in your area have that amenity. Note that this searches only the 50 most common amenities in your market. If an amenity, shampoo, for example, is in high demand right now, you should be sure to add that amenity to your listing page if you have it as it seems to be desired. 

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