Giving your team access to your PriceLabs account

Giving your team access to your PriceLabs account

If your PriceLabs account is accessed by multiple team members in your organization, setting up users with different access levels might be a great way to ensure that your team only has access to the things they need, and actions taken by your team members are logged, so it's easier for everyone to know who made the changes!

Here is how Team Access helps:
  1. Simplified Delegation: Granting view/edit permissions to a group ensures team members can independently manage all listings within that group, promoting efficiency and ownership.
  2. Transparent Oversight: Our detailed account logs let you quickly identify who made what changes and when, thus ensuring transparency and accountability!
Please note the following before proceeding:
  1. Team access can be given only to accounts with company domain emails and not public domains like,, etc.
  2. Team access is intended exclusively for team members of a property management company (PM). It is not allowed for clients or property owners.
  3. This is a request only feature. Write to us on and we shall grant you the access for the same!

For Account Admins: How to add a user to your account

  1. Head over to Account > Settings > Team Settings and click "Add Member". Note that this is only available to the account admin (members added by the admin can't add new users).

  2. Enter the team member's name and email. The team member would need to share your company's email domain. Then click "Invite Team Member". Your team member will get an email invite.

  3. By default, your team members will have no access to anything in your account. Click "Edit" and choose the access level for listings, group customizations, account customizations, min stay profiles and different pages mentioned below:

  4. For Listings, Group Customizations, Account Customizations, Min Stay profiles, and Pricing Profiles permissions: you can choose an option from the dropdown (the screenshot below shows listing level selection options, and similar options exist for group customizations and account customizations access):

    1. View access to all [listings/groups/min stay profile]: this is useful if you want the team member to be able to see everything, but not make any changes
    2. View and edit access to all [listings/groups/accounts/min stay profile]: this is useful if your team member is allowed to make changes to all listings or group/account level customizations in the account
      A team member who imports a listing automatically gets edit access to it.
      If access is granted via Grant access based on groups, the relevant group must be added to new listings for the sub-user to access them. Alternatively, choose Listings with no group under the same setting to proceed without assigning groups.
      You can also restrict team members from importing listings if needed.
    3. Individually grant access to [listings/groups/accounts/min stay profile]: this is useful to grant very specific access. 
    4. Grant access based on groups (only available to listings): this lets you grant view or edit access to specific groups, and then the team member receives (view/edit) access to the listings that are assigned to the selected group.
    5. Info
      1. If a group is renamed, then the user who earlier had any access to it will continue to have the same access, only the name of the group will change.
      2. If a team member has been given access to all listings under a group then, if in the future any new listings is added/removed from that group, the user's permissions to those listings will automatically change.
      3. The change is only for groups linked to listings and not for sub-groups
  5. For the other settings, the access levels can be granted to:
    1. Import Listings: Allows a team member to import listings and automatically have access to edit added listings
      1. Access :  The member is allowed to import listings.
      2. No Access : The member cannot import listings.
    2. Log access: Allows access the logs
      1. View All :  The member can view all logs.
      2. View Self : The member can only view logs on change s/he made.
      3. No Access : The member cannot view logs
    3. Team Settings: Allows a member to have access to the Team Settings from their own account, enabling them the ability to manage permissions for other team members. This access can only be assigned to up to 2 other members.
      1. Access :  The user will be able to manage the access of all team members except the account owner.
      2. No Access : The member cannot manage permissions.
    4. Portfolio Analytics: Allows to view revenue analytics about the listings a team member is provided access to.
      1. Access :  The member can view Portfolio Analytics and can analyze, download and upload data.
      2. No Access : The member cannot view Portfolio Analytics option.
    5. Report Builder: Allows to view existing Report Builder. (Access to Portfolio Analytics needs to be granted as well to allow this access.)
      1. View Access :  The member can create adhoc reports and view reports generated from existing templates.
      2. Edit Access : The member can create and save reports as templates & view/edit reports from existing templates
    6. Market Dashboards: Allows to view existing market dashboards and create new ones
      1. Edit Access :  The member can view existing Market Dashboards and can edit their name and comp-sets.
      2. Read Access : The member can only view existing Market Dashboard and can make changes to their comp-sets.
      3. No Access : The member cannot view Market Dashboard option
    7. Revenue Estimator: There are different levels of permission.
      1. No Access :  The member cannot see the Revenue Estimator Pro option in the top header.
      2. Read Access : The member can view existing estimates but cannot make any changes
      3. Edit Access : The member can view the existing estimates and edit the name
      4. Create Access :  The member can create estimates as long as there are existing tokens
      5. Full access: Everything can be done including buying tokens, and managing subscription
    8. Billing: Provides access to the Billing Page of the account
      1. Access : The member can view the Billing Page
        1. Please note that this only gives access to VIEW the Billing Page. Only account owners can update payment methods.
      2. No Access : The member cannot view the Billing Page
    9. Mapping: Team member who has access to specific listings/all listings can now map them when given access for mapping. If a team member tries to map a listing for which they do not have the edit permission, then they'll not be able to map that particular listing and they'll receive an error message 'Edit permission is required for <insert listing names separated by comma> for mapping.' Also, user will be able to view only those listings in the mapping screen for which they have the view or edit access.
  6. If needed, you can easily clone permissions from one team member to another by clicking the "clone" link next to the member whose permissions you want to duplicate (you'll be prompted to select the team member who needs these permissions next)
  7. InfoIf you need to remove a team member from having any access, you can click on the "Delete" link against that team member's name. Previous actions performed by this team member will still appear in your account logs for record keeping purposes.

For Team Members: How to gain access to your company's PriceLabs account

Once your account admin has added you as a team member on their PriceLabs account, you will get an email inviting you to create a password for your new PriceLabs account.
It is important to follow the link provided in the email instead of going to our website directly.
  1. When you click "Create Account" in the email invite you'd receive, you'll be prompted to set up your password.

  2. You should now be able to see the things your admin has granted you access to!

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