Building an API integration with PriceLabs

Building an API integration with PriceLabs

Who can i​ntegrate

External systems like a PMS, an OTA or a channel manager can integrate with PriceLabs using our Dynamic Pricing API functionalities 

Steps to integrate

Detailed list of steps can be found in our IAPI documentation here. Key steps involved across phases include:
  1. Pre-Integration

    1. Generating credentials

      1. Kindly reach out to in order to get the credentials.
      2. Our integration team will be in touch to share the relevant credentials that can be used to access PriceLabs IAPI
    2. Trying out and getting familiar with our end points using our Swagger

      1. Once you receive the credentials, we recommend trying out and getting familiar with our API using our Swagger
      2. The base URL for all API calls is available on the swagger.
  2. Development and certification 

    1. Development phase (detailed in our IAPI doc)

    1. Configuring URLs
    2. Configuring Pricing features
    3. API calls
    4. Integration Flows, etc. 
  1. Certification 

    1. Post development, make a copy of the certification checklist sheet and share back the details with our integration team. The checklist consists of:
      1. Verification tests that we need to run in order to make sure that the API flow is implemented correctly.
      2. Marketing related information that can be used for co-marketing actions once the integration is live  
    2. Write to our integration team for any help required with the certification process
  2. Go-Live 

    1. Once the certification is complete, the PMS is ready to go live with PriceLabs.
    2. Further technical details on the final steps can be found in our our IAPI documentation here
    3. Once the integration is identified to be working seamlessly and without any issues for the selected clients, then it can be enabled for all clients in PriceLabs in agreement with the partner

  1. Post-Integration

    1. Once the integration is live, our partnerships team will get in touch to co-ordinate on the following:
      1. Integration release and announcement across various marketing channels (social media handles, partnership webpage, etc.)  
      2. Any potential co-marketing activities 

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